Doctor of Philosophy, Engineering Education Expected: 2021
Virginia Tech, 4.00/4.00 GPA, Advisor: Dr. Jeremi London
Master of Science, Civil Engineering 2018 Virginia Tech, 3.80/4.00 GPA, Advisor: Dr. Finley Charney
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering 2016
North Carolina State University, 3.86/4.00 GPA
Civil and Environmental Engineering Via Fellowship recipient (~$80,000) 2016-2017
State Employees’ Credit Union’s People Helping People Scholarship ($10,000) 2012-2016
Summa Cum Laude at N.C. State University 2016
Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society 2016
Research Experience
Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech Summer 2018
Graduate Research Assistant
Investigated systems thinking capabilities in first-year engineering students
Coded over 200 survey responses for seven systems thinking constructs
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech March 2017 – May 2018
Graduate Research Assistant
Explored the effects of seismic loading on wood shear wall structures
Wrote software programs to analyze structures and assemble data
Developed an equation to predict story of collapse during pushover analyses
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, NC State January 2015 – May 2016
Undergraduate Researcher
Investigated the inclusion of fly ash in concrete mix design
Developed various designs to quantify the effect of fly ash on concrete strength
Became familiar with ASTM concrete strength-testing protocols
Teaching Experience
Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity, Virginia Tech August 2018 - Present
Student Support and Program Staff
Taught 80 first-year engineering students
Planned and two course sections
Mentored students on strategies for academic success
Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech Spring 2019
Rising Sophomore Abroad Program Graduate Instructor
Co-led weekly course with 25 students selected to travel to China
Developed lesson plans that centered on global engineering and trip preparation
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech August 2016 – May 2017
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Taught two laboratory sections of CEE 3684 - Civil Engineering Materials
Developed weekly material reviews for students
Held weekly office hours to assist students with concepts
Professional Experience
Inter-Residence Council, NC State May 2015 – May 2016
Represented 25% of the NC State student body
Directly oversaw a $200,000 budget
Managed a team of five vice presidents and 25 general assembly members
Supported a network of 100 hall council members
Kimley-Horn & Associates Summer 2015, 2016
Structural Engineering Intern
Assisted project teams in completing various design and drafting tasks
Performed peer review accuracy checks for an assortment of structural calculations
Wrote technical reports for clients
Rodgers Builders Summer 2014
Project Intern
Assisted the Project Managers, Design Team and Superintendents in completing various construction tasks on-site
Compiled weekly progress reports for Corporate Management
Completed various quality control tasks and managed daily safety reports
Engineering Education delegate to the Graduate Student Assembly Present
Mentor to CEE undergraduates and first-year engineering students 2018-2019
Treasurer for the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Student Chapter 2017-2018
Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Graduate Student Council Spring 2018
CEE delegate to the Graduate Student Assembly 2016-2017
Inter-Residence Council Executive Board 2013-2016
Galipatia Wythe County Outreach Day
Habitat for Humanity
Feed the Pack Food Pantry
Relay for Life
Perry, L. A. (2018). Sensitivity study on modification of vertical distribution of strength and stiffness in wood shear wall building models (Unpublished master’s thesis). Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Perry, L. A., Line, P., & Charney, F. A. (2018). Influence of varying strength, from story to story, on modeled seismic response of wood-frame shear wall structures. Paper submitted to the 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, South Korea.
London, J. S., Perry, L. A. (In Preparation). Cultivating an understanding of statistics by emphasizing relevance via project-based learning: An instructional illustration.
London, J., Ayer, S., Wu, W., Hartless, J., Lam, C., Borders, J., Gunji, J., Perry, L. A. (Accepted, 2019). Using Mixed Reality and the Three Apprenticeships Framework to Design Head-, Hand- and Heart-focused Learning Experiences for Civil Engineering Students. Paper submitted to the 2019 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
American Society for Engineering Education
American Society of Civil Engineers
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute