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Doctor of Philosophy, Engineering Education                                                                                 Expected: 2021

Virginia Tech, 4.00/4.00 GPA, Advisor: Dr. Jeremi London


Master of Science, Civil Engineering                                                                                                2018 Virginia Tech, 3.80/4.00 GPA, Advisor: Dr. Finley Charney


Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering                                                                                             2016

North Carolina State University, 3.86/4.00 GPA



  • Civil and Environmental Engineering Via Fellowship recipient (~$80,000)                            2016-2017

  • State Employees’ Credit Union’s People Helping People Scholarship ($10,000)                  2012-2016

  • Summa Cum Laude at N.C. State University                                                                            2016

  • Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society                                                                           2016



Research Experience


Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech                                                                    Summer 2018

Graduate Research Assistant

  • Investigated systems thinking capabilities in first-year engineering students

  • Coded over 200 survey responses for seven systems thinking constructs


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech                                             March 2017 – May 2018

Graduate Research Assistant                                                    

  • Explored the effects of seismic loading on wood shear wall structures

  • Wrote software programs to analyze structures and assemble data

  • Developed an equation to predict story of collapse during pushover analyses


Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, NC State                           January 2015 – May 2016

Undergraduate Researcher

  • Investigated the inclusion of fly ash in concrete mix design

  • Developed various designs to quantify the effect of fly ash on concrete strength

  • Became familiar with ASTM concrete strength-testing protocols


Teaching Experience


Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity, Virginia Tech                                           August 2018 - Present

Student Support and Program Staff

  • Taught 80 first-year engineering students

  • Planned and two course sections

  • Mentored students on strategies for academic success


Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech                                                                    Spring 2019

Rising Sophomore Abroad Program Graduate Instructor

  • Co-led weekly course with 25 students selected to travel to China

  • Developed lesson plans that centered on global engineering and trip preparation


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech                                             August 2016 – May 2017

Graduate Teaching Assistant                                                                  

  • Taught two laboratory sections of CEE 3684 - Civil Engineering Materials

  • Developed weekly material reviews for students

  • Held weekly office hours to assist students with concepts


Professional Experience


Inter-Residence Council, NC State                                                                                                   May 2015 – May 2016  


  • Represented 25% of the NC State student body

  • Directly oversaw a $200,000 budget

  • Managed a team of five vice presidents and 25 general assembly members

  • Supported a network of 100 hall council members


Kimley-Horn & Associates                                                                                                                  Summer 2015, 2016          

Structural Engineering Intern

  • Assisted project teams in completing various design and drafting tasks

  • Performed peer review accuracy checks for an assortment of structural calculations

  • Wrote technical reports for clients


Rodgers Builders                                                                                                                                 Summer 2014

Project Intern

  • Assisted the Project Managers, Design Team and Superintendents in completing various construction tasks on-site

  • Compiled weekly progress reports for Corporate Management

Completed various quality control tasks and managed daily safety reports




  • Engineering Education delegate to the Graduate Student Assembly                                    Present

  • Mentor to CEE undergraduates and first-year engineering students                                     2018-2019

  • Treasurer for the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Student Chapter                    2017-2018

  • Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Graduate Student Council            Spring 2018

  • CEE delegate to the Graduate Student Assembly                                                                    2016-2017

  • Inter-Residence Council Executive Board                                                                                  2013-2016



  • Galipatia Wythe County Outreach Day

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • Feed the Pack Food Pantry

  • Relay for Life



  • Perry, L. A. (2018). Sensitivity study on modification of vertical distribution of strength and stiffness in wood shear wall building models (Unpublished master’s thesis). Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

  • Perry, L. A., Line, P., & Charney, F. A. (2018). Influence of varying strength, from story to story, on modeled seismic response of wood-frame shear wall structures. Paper submitted to the 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, South Korea.

  • London, J. S., Perry, L. A. (In Preparation). Cultivating an understanding of statistics by emphasizing relevance via project-based learning: An instructional illustration.

  • London, J., Ayer, S., Wu, W., Hartless, J., Lam, C., Borders, J., Gunji, J., Perry, L. A. (Accepted, 2019). Using Mixed Reality and the Three Apprenticeships Framework to Design Head-, Hand- and Heart-focused Learning Experiences for Civil Engineering Students. Paper submitted to the 2019 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.



  • American Society for Engineering Education

  • American Society of Civil Engineers

  • Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

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© 2019 Logan Perry

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